Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Wow- We're impressed with mr. Babyman!
It has taken ONE week to go from crawling only backwards to complete forward locomotion. Now he can go anywhere- and remarkably fast. He likes to crawl in circles around the table as we eat breakfast. He is even pulling up on furniture now and standing himself up. He is also enjoying a couple of cool toys our friends Shelly and Matt gave us- a "johnny jump-up" and an exersaucer.

Rowan has two new little babyfriends! Alicia had Dario, and Anna is mom to Henry. It was so exciting waiting for the babies to be born- we can't wait to play together. We will get to meet them Thursday at the potluck YAY!
And we are having such warm weather- Spring is right around the corner......


Anonymous said...

What potluck???

Anna said...

Seriously, I expect him to just start conversing with me at any second. He just has that look about him.